Current Temperature
By Samantha Johnson
Monday, March 21, 1881 – The Edmonton Bulletin
The mail left for the east on Wednesday. It was the largest of the season. Mr. Tupper was also on the mail train and carried with him a sample of Edmonton coal.
St. Patrick’s Day passed off quietly. As we are not yet civilized, so it was surprising there wasn’t a single case of disorder or riot observed.
The Czar of Russia was returning from parade on Sunday at 2 p.m. to Michael’s Palace, St. Petersburg when a bomb was thrown from someone in the crowd. The bomb exploded under his carriage, doing considerable damage but the Czar alighted unhurt. A second bomb was thrown and exploded at the Czar’s feet, shattering both his legs. He was rushed to hospital where he died at 4:30 p.m. Two people were arrested in connection with the crime. The explosion also killed an officer and two Cossacks, along with injuring many policemen and civilians.
Thursday, March 15, 1906 – Vermillion Signal
The Signal is celebrating one year of publishing. In a short 12 months, the place has made great strides. A year ago, Vermillion was not even a village. Now, it is an incorporated town with many stores carrying merchandise of all kinds. Additionally, the town can boast sidewalks, three churches, three large hotels, two livery stables, two town wells, a chartered bank, Dominion lands office, board of trade, agricultural society, a racetrack, a town hall, fire hall and more.
Two men recently froze to death on the streets of New York City. In some instances, Eastern papers have made a great deal out of the fact that Western provinces had a severe winter this year. It is perfectly true the West has experienced a cold winter and there have been cases of folks freezing to death on the prairies. As has been pointed out in these columns, the fatalities were all newcomers who were inexperienced and not properly clothed for the weather.
Wednesday, March 18, 1908 – Crossfield Chronicle
The seed grain branch of the Department of Agriculture in Edmonton, organized by the Dominion and provincial governments, are at work on the numerous applications for seed grain that have already been received. The distribution of grain has been planned to ensure that no settler will be in need of seed grain this year. All homesteaders, even those who did not lose their crops, will be given grain on application. Farmers who can financially afford to buy grain, but are unable to acquire any of good quality in their district, will also benefit from the program.
An accident has occurred in Portsmouth that is likely due to a chemical reaction but has a large amount of mystery attached to it, the paper claiming the heat ray from H.G. Wells War of the Worlds has been discovered. The vessel was in the dockyard and for five days workmen had been unsuccessful at drilling a hole through the armour plate. Time being short, the torpedo lieutenant brought a dynamo in. Equipped with goggles, he melted a hole through the plate with many others observing. The next day, all fell ill, including the captain of the ship who was nearly blinded. The torpedo lieutenant lost much of the skin off his face and most others had their faces burned to a deep ctopper tint that exudes continuous moisture.
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