Current Temperature
By Samantha Johnson
Saturday, March 31, 1906 – The Saturday News (Edmonton)
Reference was made last week to the slowness of authorities in Ottawa at providing mail connections for the various towns between Edmonton and Battleford. When the daily service starts on the CNR next week, there will only be a closed bag for these points. A post office has not been established at the new townsite for Vegreville, even though it’s been almost a year since the old townsite was deserted.
The swindler who called himself Rev. J.A. Day was evidently a smooth and daring rascal. Calling himself a representative of the Wesleyan Orphanage of Macedonia, his primary scheme was to promise domestic help from that country, requiring a $50 deposit for their passage. More than 30 people fell for the scam and Day has reportedly left Calgary and is now in Edmonton where authorities have been unable to locate him.
Joseph Stazak was arrested last week in Fort Saskatchewan. He has been charged with stealing jewellery and other personal belongings, along with $82 in cash, from the Queens Hotel.
Thursday, March 28, 1908 – The Bow Valley Call (Gleichen)
Readers will remember that in January we reported that Peter Murphy got lost on the trail while on his way to McArthur’s camp, which is located 15 miles south of town. It was a bitterly cold night and Murphy was out for 10 hours before he managed to reach a house. He was taken to hospital in Calgary and reports circulated he had died from exposure, which are untrue. However, both his feet and hands have been amputated. Over $2,000 has been raised to help Murphy out and a list is circulating to raise more.
Last summer, the Rainbow caught the Seattle ship Edrie poaching in Canadian waters within the three mile limit. The Edrie was confiscated and her owners went to court to endeavor to show they were fishing outside the limit. The Supreme Court of British Columbia recently decided the Edrie was poaching and ordered the vessel to be sold by auction. The marine department reports Edrie sold for $13,000.
From every part of the province complaints are being heard about crowded grain elevators and a shortage of railcars. Gleichen appears to be singularly fortunate. So far this season there has been only one occasion of congestion, which was relieved within two days thanks to the work of our local agent.
Friday, March 23, 1917 – The Lomond Press
As a precautionary measure, the consolidated schools will be closed for a few days for cleaning and fumigation.
It is unofficially announced that after April 1, Lomond will have three trains and three mail services per week. Perhaps our little petition has paid off.
The conductor on the Tuesday train broke his arm while assisting in unloading a plow. The engine was disconnected and he was immediately taken to Enchant. This resulted in the train being late getting into Lomond.
John Egle, one of the first farmers to settle east of what is known as the Valley, sold out his farm today to Dee Harris from Detroit, Michigan. Harris paid $10,000 for the half section. At first glance, this would appear to be a large sum for 320 acres of land. However, when it is taken into consideration that this is one of the best improved farms in Southern Alberta, the price seems reasonable. Egle will put the crop in for Harris and then hold an auction for his stock of equipment and machinery.
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