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By Justin Seward
Pembina Pipeline Corporation had submitted an application to Cypress County on behalf of 1195714 Alberta Ltd., to reclassify 158 acres from Agriculture District-2 to Industrial District at council’s June 19 meeting.
The purpose of the reclassification is for the applicant to start development of a rail-loading facility near Empress . This would allow for the connection with the Grand Sandhills Railway that goes through the northeast corner of the proposed reclassification for transportation of Pembina’s propane product to Saskatchewan customers.
The area is 0.8 km north of Highway 545, west of the Saskatchewan border and neighbours the R.M. of Deer Forks No. 232.
The rail terminal will be a part of Pembina’s broader initiative to increase the natural gas liquids fractionation capacity at the Empress location.
“We’ll add 30,000 barrels per day of propane plus fractionation capacity to our Empress East NGL system,” said a Pembina spokesperson.
“These facilities will not only provide Pembina with increased NGL volumes and market options, but also enhanced propane supply to further support some of Pembina’s other project initiatives.”
The total expected capital cost for this project is approximately $120 million and subjected to environmental and regulatory approval, is anticipated to start up in 2020.
Council approved unanimously second and third reading.
Open house on CAP Levy
Coun. Shane Hok made a motion to have a community engagement on July 3rd at 3 p.m. in the council chambers on the Community Aggregate Payment Levy. Council passed Bylaw 2018/21 on May 1, which imposes a $0.40 per tonne levy on sand and gravel delivered from gravel operations in the county. Administration then was asked to research how to exempt contracts that were out for tender in 2018. The bylaw will not take effect until Jan. 1, 2019. and will not exempt operators based on past contracts.
Undeveloped road maintenance request
Deputy Reeve Dan Hamilton moved for council to approve two options in one motion with the 16 undeveloped road maintenance requests at a cost of $232,200, with an additional $2,200 funded from unallocated funds in a five-year road construction plan and for council to direct staff to bring forward the policy review.
Council approved the motion.
Public participation policy
Coun. Robin Kurpjuweit moved for council to direct staff to bring forward the policy for revie at the July 3 meeting.
Elkwater campground
Coun. Ernest Mudie put forth a motion for council to direct staff to advise Alberta Recreation and Parks that they will have to assume costs of hauling additional loads that exceed eight loads of waste incurred by the Elkwater Campground from May to September. Council approved the motion.
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