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Justin Seward
Bow Island town council voted (3-4) against the location of a potential food truck business at 102 7th Avenue West at its March 25 meeting.
Parking was the main concern and how it affects other vendors using the site and competing with businesses that rent a piece of the property and pay taxes.
The business partners were planning to rent part of the site for their business from April to September.
The business was planning to sell tacos, burgers and burritos.
Skid-steer upgrade
Council approved the motion for public works to trade Unit 132 and purchase a new case SV300 from Ag-Plus Mechanical for the price of $5,666 to be funded from the equipment reserve.
Library board member appointment
Alice Schussler was appointed as per council’s approval to become a member of the Susan Anderson Memorial Library board
Broadband CARES grant
Town council agreed to contribute $1,288 towards the municipal portion of the Broadband CARES grant. The town is in a partnership with municipalities across southern Alberta to investigate the business case of bringing additional broadband capacity to participating municipalities which are currently being funded primarily throuhg a Community and Regional Economic Support Grant.
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