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Submitted by Karley Appell
Saddles ‘n’ Spurs light horse 4-H has been very busy lately. From an exciting roping clinic to a fun Christmas party as well as Communications Day and District Color Night, the year has been jam packed with so many fun events.
At the end of November we held a club meeting and had Jared Pancoast in, who donated his time to run a roping clinic. We learned all about holding and throwing a rope as well as had the opportunity to get our horse’s onto the roping dummy. It was a day full of learning but also really exciting. All of the members and horse’s did really well.
On December 11, members and family got together to have our yearly Christmas party and ride. Members were encouraged to dress up and decorate their horse. We played mounted and dismounted games such as musical hula hoops, barrel racing and duck duck goose.
We also did a fun craft of decorating stockings for our horse as well as santa hats. We held a food drive to donate to the Root Cellar in Medicine Hat and also packed ziploc bags full of essential items for the Medicine Hat Police Service to hand out in downtown Medicine Hat.
On January 23, we had Laurie Plante teach us leather work for our winter project. We made leather nosebands for our horse and got to design them however we wanted. We used different tools to press the leather and then used leather paint to paint them. Laurie is always so giving with her time and knowledge of leather work. Our club is grateful that she provides us with this skill.
On February 5th, we held our club Communications Day at Safety Buzz in Dunmore. It was a great day all around for members and families. Members had very well put together speeches and presentations and overall did a great job. We are very thankful to all the judges that came to judge and the valuable feedback that was offered. A few of our members moved on to District Communications day on March 5th, and we are all so proud of them.
Then on February 27th, Irvine 4-H beef club held district Color Night at the Irvine Complex. Many members went and a few won awards. After presentations there was pizza and hot chocolate. Members also had the chance to go skating if they wanted.
Last but not least Saddles and Spurs has been very busy with fundraising. We just finished up with a fruit fundraiser from Amy’s Pantry. The oranges came from California and the grapefruits came from Mexico.
On January 4th, the club did a bottle drive and raised lots of money for future activities. We also held a cinnamon bun fundraiser and a Christmas greenery fundraiser. We’d like to thank everyone who has supported these events to help us hold clinics for the club!
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