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Submitted by Kimberley Straub
On February 26, 2022 the horse club had a tack cleaning day at Straub’s yard. We also named the parts of a saddle and worked on our record books. On February 27, 2022 was the District Colour Night at the Irvine Complex. The awards from last year were given out. They served pizza and some members stayed for ice skating afterwards.
On March 5, 2022 was the District Communications at the Seven Persons School. Borderline did not place but everyone had a good time.
There was also a District 4-H dance at the Seven Persons Community Hall on March 5. Some of our members participated and enjoyed the event. The next day Borderline had our general meeting at the Hilda Hall.
We had a bottle drive fundraiser for our club and a food drive for the food bank for a community service. March 12 the members of the horse club met at the Empress Arena for a gymkhana clinic with Kenzie Howe. In the morning members learned about pole bending and in the afternoon we learned about barrel racing. It was so much fun. Thank you Kenzie Howe. March 20, 2022 was a beef reweigh 1:30 pm at Bauer’s. Thank you Bauer’s for providing your scale. All the steers and heifers were gaining well. March 27 was the Cat Achievement Day at the Old Hilda School Gym. Each cat member dressed their cat in a costume and talked about their cats.
On April 3 there was another general meeting at the Hilda Hall. We made plans for High Way clean up. The horse club got together on April 16 for a trail ride. It was really fun. Our Club was invited to join the Irvine Beef Club for a Fitting clinic on April 19 at Robertson’s Ranch on the Holsom Road. We learned about clipping and showing our steers and heifers. Thank you to Irvine for including us. Borderline had another beef reweigh on April 30. The steers and heifers are growing well and we branded name signs for the calves and for members.
On May 1 we had a general meeting at 1:30 pm at Hilda Hall. May 7 was Highway Clean up. Our members cleaned from the Golden Prairie Road to Township Road 144 on both sides of the road. May 8 the horse members had a Cattle working clinic with Calvin Olson. We learned a lot. Thank you Calvin. We also had a horse ride on May 21 at Kundert’s.
We practiced roping and riding in circles.Thank you to Kundert’s for letting us use your arena. May 28 we had our Mock Achievement Day at Gomke’s. We met at 9:00 am for clipping and getting our 4-H steers, heifers, cows, calves and lambs ready.
All the calves did quite well. Borderline had two members with a full herd project. Thank you to Gomke’s for inviting us to use your facility.
On June 5 we had a general meeting and discussed all that was needed to be ready for Achievement Day events coming up.
On June 9 members of the Cactus Country District got together and did stall set up at the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede Fieldhouse. Borderline’s theme was Halo.
The Medicine Hat and District Female Show was Friday June 10 at 1:00 pm. The 2022 Market Show was on June 11 at 9:00 am and the sale started at 2:00 pm. Abby Munsch from our Club won Grand Champion and Brody Reiger from our Club won Reserve Grand Champion. The sale went well and we had a good day. June 18 the horse club attended an English riding clinic at Alli’s place off the Holsom Road. In the morning we did flat work, in the afternoon we did some jumping. Everybody did well and we had a good day. Thank you Alli.
June 26 we had a horse ride at our yard.
We practiced cutting yearlings and roping. June 30 there was a District wind up at Echo Dale Park. Kids and parents could play in the water and have fun. After swimming they had a junior council meeting. They discussed the year and how it went. We have had fun doing our beef, cat and sheep club projects. There is still crop and horse projects that members are working on so stay tuned until next time.
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