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Down Memory Lane: 1957, council discusses land for hospital building

Posted on March 10, 2015 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Fred Mellen

Down Memory Lane #196
These items are a continuation of articles taken from the June 13, 1957 issue of the Bow Island Graphic Newspaper
Town Council – Mayor – A.J. Bonette and councillors, Ancion, Caswell, Jones, Luttmer, Noad and Peterson.
– The Secretary reported that a letter had been received from Sturdie Propane stating that they would definitely purchase a lot from the town, and they would be erecting a metal or concrete block warehouse and office, and install an 18,000 gallon storage tank with a total investment of about $15,000. Construction will start as soon as the plans are completed. Note – The site that this development took place on – was the present site of Hiebert Cabinets.
– Council agreed to sell two lots to R.J. Humphries of Taber for the establishment of a funeral home and ambulance service. A building is to be moved in and renovated in compliance with the ultimate value of $8,000.
– Mayor Bonette asked the Council for its views on the obtaining of land from the town for a site for the hospital building. The architect had been in Bow Island, and plans and drawings had been submitted to the Hospital Board and a tentative site had been selected, south of the highway on the Foremost road. The matter of extension of utility services had been discussed as had costs for such extensions. After full discussions Council expressed itself as agreeable to the site being used for the hospital, such land, with the exception of one corner being owned by the town of Bow Island.  Negotiations between the Hospital Board and the owners of that lot are now underway. Note – Our hospital is located on Centre Street – but at that time it was referred to as the “Foremost Road”.
Winnifred News by Mrs. Bertha Annon
– Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nelson have a new baby son, born June 10th.
– Tommy Lee of Etzikom spent Saturday with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Annon.
– In an exhibition doubleheader ball game played at Whitla, Bow Island came out victorious in the first game by a score of 15-8. George Corraini picked up the win for Bow Island while Louis Gechter and Anthony Annon shared the mound duties for Whitla and Gechter being tagged with the loss. In the second game tables were turned. The final score was 15-4 for Whitla. Howard Babe pitched brilliant ball, striking out 11 opposing batters. Anthony Annon relieved Babe for his second appearance to allow four Bow Island runs.
Bow Island
– Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jenkins and family left Sunday on holidays to the west coast.
– Elmer Taylor Gets Navy Post – (A front page story c/w his picture) Elmer Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Taylor, has received an appointment with the Royal Canadian Navy at HMCS Naden in Victoria, B.C. The appointment is with the Instruction Branch of RCN and carries a rank of Inspector Lieutenant. He will teach mathematics and science and is to report to his new post in August. Elmer received his education in Bow Island and Medicine Hat, graduating from St. Therese’s Academy. He received his degree in the Faculty of Education at the U of A.
That’s all for this week. This has been another Stroll Down Memory Lane with Old Fred Mellen.

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