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1957: More than 8,000 trees for bird habitat

Posted on January 19, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

Down Memory Lane #232
By Fred Mellen
These items were taken from the October 17, 1957 issue of the Bow Island Graphic Newspaper.
Winnifred News by Mrs. Bertha Annon
– There was a meeting of the Community Association this week and they decided to put new siding on the exterior of the hall. The materials have already been delivered. Regular dances are to be resumed with the first dance of the season to be on October 18th. Shirley and Betty Popel and Frances Annon are on the lunch committee. Music will be by Jimmy Anderson’s orchestra.
– A shipment of coal was unloaded for the station at Winnifred recently.
– The hunters were out in full force Saturday morning as the pheasant season opened. Mr. Soenen reports shooting two banded pheasant and has notified the proper authorities.
Bow Island
– The Fish and Game Organization met Friday evening at the Community Hall with Judd Couillard presiding over thirty five members. A supper meeting was planned for November 21, at which time there will be an election of officers for the next year. The ladies of the Auxiliary to the Legion will be the caterers. 8500 trees have been ordered for the Bird Habitat, and in the spring this area will be stocked with setting hens. More pheasants will be stocked next fall as a token shipment. A raffle committee was elected as well as a committee to look after the arrangements of the November meeting.
Foremost Section by Mrs. E.M. Lynes
– Mr. and Mrs. ‘Slim’ Hagen spent the long weekend at Tiber Dam, Montana, fishing. They brought back all their permit would allow. Evidently Montana fish can be fooled by Canadian fisherman. On the other hand, Nap Granberg, C. Wolfe, T. Hougen, E. Hougen and M. Hougen all went to Cranbrook to fish. Some one there told the boys where there was a wonderful lake so they spent most of the day getting there over mountain trails. When they arrived there, the lake was dry! Evidently Canadian fishermen can be fooled too! The boys caught 30 or 40 though, so their trip wasn’t a total loss, and of course they did have their mountain climbing. Some people go all the way to the Alps for that.
– Miss Doris Hallihan won a $50 scholarship in dressmaking at Calgary Tech. this last year. The awards of the Tech School are to be presented on November 6th in the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary.
Bow Island
– We hear Miss Patty Hill received a lovely engagement ring during the holiday, becoming engaged to Roger Moore of Seven Persons.
– In the advertisement of the Family Centre state they will take wheat in payment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for Clothes – Ladies-Gents-Children. Call in today and make arrangements.
October 24, 1957
Bow Island
– Mrs. Mildred Green has been selected for the Eighth Annual Short Course in Leadership Techniques at the Banff School of Fine Arts, commencing October 28. This course is sponsored jointly by the Alberta Wheat Pool, United Grain Growers, Farmers Union of Alberta, United Farmers of Alberta Co-op and the Extension Department of the U of A.
That’s all for this week. This has been another Stroll Down Memory Lane with Old Fred Mellen

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