Current Temperature
By Samantha Johnson
At the regularly scheduled meeting on September 12, Redcliff Town Council had eight requests for decisions, of which seven were carried and one defeated. They also approved four different policies and gave a first reading to a bylaw.
The Redcliff Youth Centre hosted a successful haunted house last year on private property and have applied again for permission to hold it again, which was approved by Council. The application for a special event was reviewed and no concerns or issues were brought forward by the RCMP, Fire Department, Planning and Operations or Legislation and Development. A week prior to opening day, the organizers must provide a list of contractors and whether they are licenced, hours of operation, copy of insurance, how many washrooms will be onsite and their location, a written permission for parking and the size of the parking area, what external lighting will be provided and if adjacent residential neighbours have been notified of the event. The temporary haunted will be in a vacant greenhouse provided by Suntaira Growers at 332 4 St SW.
First reading of the Off-site Levy Bylaw was carried by Council with the stipulation that Administration schedule and advertise for a non-statutory public hearing. A 2021 report included new areas where off-site levies could be collected, such as new or improved community recreation facilities, new or improved fire service facilities, new or improved police station facilities, and new or improved libraries.
Council passed a motion to participate in the asset management cohort program. Staff will be requested to apply for the opportunity through Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), and Infrastructure Asset Management Alberta (IAMA). Asset management training has been on offer since 2018 and this is the last year the courses will be funded the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). The commitment includes three in-person meetings, along with conference and one-on-one calls.
An Encroachment Permit Application was received by council from Bishop and Koch Lawyers on behalf of Ghuenda Laurie, owner of 137 7 Street NW. The fence on the property encroaches into the lane west of the property by about 0.46m. A motion was made for the Municipal Manager to sign an encroachment agreement with Laurie, and it was carried.
Administration was looking for authorization to renew the agreement with Gord’s Sharpening, who provides skate sharpening services at the Rec-Tangle during the months the arena ice is in use. A lease agreement with Gord’s Sharpening and the Town of Redcliff has been in place since 2011 and has been renewed again.
An Accessible Play Space Feasibility Study Summary was received for information by Council. Further consideration for the project was deferred until budget discussions in 2023.
Council carried a motion to authorize Mayor Kilpatrick and the Municipal Manager to sign the Next generation 9-1-1 Local Government Service Agreement. Before the Medicine Hat 911 Centre PSAP (public safety answering points) can complete its transition to the new NG9-1-1 network, the agreement needs to be signed by all municipalities served by them.
An incident occurred in the Rec-Tangle parking lot on August 30th of this year, causing damage to the asphalt. Council approved repairs, which will cost about $12,000 before GST.
An application for a second haunted house was defeated. The application was submitted by Kevin and Julie Lagasse, who hosted one last year. However, the greenhouse they were going to use had significant safety concerns. The building is in general disrepair, most of the roof is missing, there were substandard repairs done in many areas, structural failure, and venting and heating vents were falling down or didn’t have venting caps on them.
The following policies were all approved by Council: Community Group Financial Assistance, Disposal of Surplus Assets and Lost or Unclaimed Property, Health & Safety Policy, and Tangible Capital Assets.
In correspondence, there are letters from the Town of Tofield to the Honourable Tyler Shandro regarding the redesign of victim services. Both letters in their entirety can be viewed on the Town of Redcliff website under the meeting portal tab.
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