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Please read: Redcliff Library’s Book and Craft Sale Nov. 24-26

Posted on November 24, 2022 by Ryan Dahlman

By Anna Smith


Whether it’s an old favorite, a new read, or a unique holiday gift of a loved one, this winter book and craft sale is offering the chance to bring it home alongside the fuzzy feeling of supporting your local library.

The winter book sale at the Redcliff Public Library is fairly new, said Library Manager Tracy Laternus, having started in 2020. However, it’s been given a warm and successful reception, prompting a return ever since.

The sale in question will be considerably smaller than the summer sale, which usually overtakes the entire library for a day, but the trade-off is that it allows for the multi-day sale.

“We have a book sale, first of all, going from November 24 to the 26th,” said Laturnus. “It is going to be considerably smaller than this summer sale that we have, typically during Redcliff days, just because we have limited space. But of course, as space opens up on the tables will keep refilling until we have no more books to sell.”

The sale will run November 24, from 10–7pm, then on November 25 and 26th from 10–5.

“On Saturday, we will be having a group of ladies that do knitting and crocheting and lots of crafty things; they have offered to host a little craft sale here in the library on November 26,” said Laternus. “I believe it’s going to run at the same time as the book sale. It may end a little earlier if of course they run out of items.”

The group has generously offered to donate 100% of the profits of their yarncraft sale to the library to help with programming and operating costs, with Laternus expressed great gratitude for.

“So it will be an excellent fundraiser if people are looking for Christmas gifts. I know there’s lots of knitted Christmas stockings,” said Laturnus. “There’s toques and hats and scarves and you name it. So yeah, if you’re looking to do that Christmas shopping, it’s a great time and then support the library as well.”

Book sales are one of the Redcliff libraries best fundraisers, and also serve as a welcome opportunity to move books along to new homes in order to make room for new ones.

“We’re always looking to purge the old books and purchase new ones. So I have the new order list on my desk as we speak. So that would be the goal for the sale here,” said Laternus. 

She added that using the smaller space of the meeting room does throw somewhat of a wrench into planning as opposed to the sprawl of the one-day Redcliff Days sale, but the smaller event does make it easier in other ways, as well.

“Redcliff Days, we host it for one day, we’re able to set everything up in the library, and it kind of takes over the whole day,” said Laternus. “And then we clean it up at the end of the day, and it’s all done. So this one, we’re giving people a few extra days to view all of the items.”

The second sale has been a great boost to their library’s fundraising efforts in previous years, and Laternus hopes the trend will continue and she will get to see many residents and visitors out for the chance to find something special to take home.

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