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With the month of February being Distracted Driving month, it’s important for individuals to ask themselves; do I really want to put not only myself at risk but others too?
Over the past five years, there have been 569 casualties in Alberta alone as a result of impaired driving, with thousands more being injured. According to MADD, road crashes continue to be the leading cause of death among those aged 16 to 25 years of age, and alcohol and drug impairment make up 55 per cent of them.
Even the smallest amount still counts when it comes to putting oneself and others at risk. People who have only had a bit to drink should be trying to think of the better decision; not getting behind the wheel. Calling a taxi or a friend who is completely sober are the better alternatives to getting in a vehicle where it is very likely to cause injuries to others and possibly death.
Drivers with even a little bit of alcohol in their system are still of risk value and are still more likely of being in a serious accident than those who are sober.
According to MADD, by the time an individual reaches a blood alcohol content of .10 per cent, they are 51 times more likely than someone who hasn’t drank to be involved in a fatal crash. Even a little bit over the 0.08 mark will always be a huge risk factor for those attempting to drive.
The most common times for impaired drivers to be on the road are on holidays, weekends and at night time.
Impaired driving is not to be at all taken lightly. Alberta has very strict penalties regarding license suspension and vehicle impoundment in Canada. In 2012, lawmakers of the province joined others provinces in Canada to pass a new set of laws, which created consequences for driving with a blood alcohol content between 0.05 percent and 0.08 per cent. If an individual with that blood alcohol level is stopped by police, various consequences can follow including vehicle impoundment, license suspension, various classes, fines or even jail time.
It’s one thing to have a beer, but it’s another to pass the blood alcohol level, which can really put not only yourself at risk but so many others. The roads should be treated as a privilege to travel on, not an intense speedway or obstacle course.
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