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Honouring our military is the least we can do

Posted on November 8, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

It would not be possible for most of us to even imagine what it must have been like for soldiers in World War 1 to be battling from muddy trenches against an enemy that was hell-bent on dominating the free world.
Most of us could not imagine what it was like for the soldiers fighting to stop Adolph Hitler from achieving the same goal in World War 2. Unless we have also stood and defended, we cannot fathom what courage and determination it must have taken to soldier on until victory was had.
In today’s world, we read about ongoing conflicts at various hotspots around the globe and are outraged by what the media is reporting in the newspapers and on television. Sure, we can sit and watch the bombings and the fallout, but not many of us can relate. We can sympathize and feel anger towards those who do not want to see a peaceful earth, but we can not relate.
What we as peaceful minded people can do though, is remember. We can remember, respect, and honour those who have served, are currently serving, and pay mindful respect to those who gave their lives in any of the world’s conflicts.
At the 11th hour on Nov. 11, we shall bow our heads for a moment of silence, honouring the Armistice and our soldiers who gave so much so we can live free. Some of us will weep, some will pray, but all will honour.
And, so we should. If it weren’t for those brave enough to put on a uniform and serve in active duty, who knows where our world would be right now.
Living in peaceful times, it is hard for many to have a true understanding of what life during war years is like. Our young people no longer enlist like they do during war times. In fact, except for a bit of learning about Remembrance Day at school each fall, they do not have a lot of knowledge about the Great War, WW2, or other major conflicts aside from any ongoing today.
It is sad that there does not seem to be much interest in learning more about it either. Our young people should learn about how they are able to have so much freedom, while others half a world away have none.
“Forget the past and you are doomed to repeat it” has an ominous hint of truth to it, but are wise words nonetheless.
Take a moment on Nov. 11 to honour those who have served our country so well and remember the sacrifices they have made for our freedom. It is the least we can do.

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