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Putin looks weak as Russia continues to invade further into Ukraine

Posted on March 15, 2022 by 40 Mile Commentator

The invasion of Ukraine is ongoing and while it may not be directly affecting this country, Canadians should be paying attention to what’s happening. Sure, people have been claiming their freedoms have been “infringed on” during the pandemic here in Canada, but what’s happening in Ukraine is a real battle for freedom. Videos of Ukrainians staying behind to fight for their country’s freedom is heart-wrenching, and the fact Russia and Vladimir Putin continue to move forward is, quite frankly, embarrassing. And it’s pretty obvious most Russians want nothing to do with this war — and why should they? This is all about satisfying Putin’s ego. Nothing new there.

Plenty of sanctions from the Western World have been put in place, but that has not deterred Putin one bit, and in a meeting with France last week, he claimed the invasion “was going according to plan.” What that means, nobody knows but Putin. This just goes to show once again how dangerous of a leader Putin is. And, no, this isn’t exactly a state secret either. He’s had political opponents killed or imprisoned just for opposing him and this is just another extension of that.

He wants to prove he can do anything he wants without any pushback, and that’s just not the way the world works. And now he and his cronies are threatening to start the biggest war since WWII and with the number of nuclear weapons out there, it’s a scary time. Putin has been threatening nuclear war and that should perk up the ears of every country in the world.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, is still on the frontlines and calling for Putin to meet face to face about the invasion, but by all accounts, Russia won’t stop until they control the majority of the country. Zelenskyy has shown more courage and bravery in the last few weeks than Putin has in his entire term and the fact the president of the country is showing he’s willing to fight for the country is an incredible sight. Putin, meanwhile, hides behind his army and continues to show how unhinged he truly is.

We’re at the point now when the question of when other countries will start intervening. As mentioned before, sanctions have been placed and while it will continue to hurt the Russian economy, it doesn’t sound like it will stop the Russian army from advancing into Ukraine further. While no one wants another World War, Putin and the Russians seem determined to start another one.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) released a statement last week condemning “in the strongest possible terms Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine – which is an independent, peaceful and democratic country, and a close NATO partner.

The Alliance calls on Russia to immediately cease its military assault, to withdraw all its forces from Ukraine and to turn back from the path of aggression it has chosen.”

They also state they are “helping to coordinate Ukraine’s requests for assistance and is supporting Allies in the delivery of humanitarian and non-lethal aid. Individual NATO member countries are sending weapons, ammunition, medical supplies and other vital military equipment to Ukraine. They are also providing millions of euros of financial assistance to Ukraine. Many Allies are also offering humanitarian aid to civilians and opening their borders to Ukrainian refugees.”

And don’t get us wrong that’s great they are stepping in to provide some aid, but there may come a time when more is needed. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but a partner country which means they are “not covered by the security guarantee in the Alliance’s founding treaty.” So no military help is on the way at the moment, but one has to ask — when is the right time to step in?

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