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Justin Seward
The City of Medicine Hat passed a Airport Zoning Regulation Bylaw No. 4294 last September and approached the county to begin the process to pass a similar bylaw, which council received for information at its Aug. 21 meeting.
The bylaw would be implemented to protect the airspace in Cypress County’s jurisdiction that is associated to Medicine Hat’s airport.
It will be the county’s requirement to enter into a signed agreement with Transport Canada and pass a similar bylaw.
Providing safety by regulating the heights of building, objects and structures in the airport area, protecting against electronic interference, managing of bird and wildlife habitat and protecting land of runway extensions.
Municipal Development Plan- Confine Feeding Operations
Council passed first reading to Bylaw 2018/30- Confined Feeding Operations amendments. In Section 3.2 Intensive Agriculture under Section D that “Confined feeding operations are to be located where access to the site is to be gained from new high-grade roads or unless the confined feeding operator is willing to develop or upgrade the road to a gravel, new high-grade at their own expense.”
Fire signs-
Coun. Dustin Vossler’s motion to put up fire ban signs on all secondary highways was approved by council.
Construction fencing
Coun. Shane Hok moved to approve the Policy R8 Road Construction Fencing’s amendments with the addition of a written agreement.
The amendments will read under the purpose to replace or relocate existing fences after a road construction project and provide temporary fences to contain livestock that are removed during road construction.
The written agreement will allow for the county to be released from any liabilities in the guidelines.