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Over the past winter, a number of our citizens have quietly appeared after snowstorms to shovel walks for those who have difficulty doing so. As Town Councillors, we’ve appreciated the acts of kindness by these “Snow Angels”. My husband and I have been the recipients of the snow shoveling as have many others. It may seem a small thing, but such kindness makes it possible for those of us who can no longer shovel walks, to remain in our homes and cope with the challenges of winter. The alternative becomes moving to the city to housing where the work is done for us.
Town council would like to thank all of the “Snow Angels”. Anyone who has been the recipient of their service is invited to phone the Town Office and nominate them for a small token of our appreciation – coffee and donuts for two at the Rolling Pin Bakery.
Thank you for helping to make Bow Island a wonderful place to live!
Marj Moncrieff
Bow Island Town Councillor
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