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“Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting over!” Words made famous by John Wayne in an old western movie.
We are in a water shortage situation with no short term end in sight?
As we prepare for using our most precious resource more wisely we could lend an ear and eye to what other communities have attempted?
Mission B.C. initiated an “ugly lawn” competition some years back and they were able to cut their domestic water usage in half!
The property with the “ugliest lawn” on the street received a reduction on their water bill. Peer pressure steps in real soon when you have the greenest grass on the block?
We want the lawn green, so we fertilize, but then we have to water so the lawn doesn’t burn. Then we have to cut three times a week to keep up. And if the neighbour kids walk on the lawn, we yell at them to “Get off the lawn”?
It would appear that our front lawns serve no real purpose? Maybe some rocks and a wagon wheel would work as well?
Bob Miller, Taber
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