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By Cassie Weiss
Although he was there to discuss Redcliff RCMP priorities, Staff Sergeant Sean Maxwell took a couple minutes of his Redcliff Town Council presentation, on Jan. 27, to brag about a recent RCMP accomplishment.
“We are quite proud of something we did on Friday, [Jan. 24],” said Maxwell.
Explaining that from December 17, 2013 up until the week prior to the late January council meeting, there had been a large number of break and enters within the area.
Stating the RCMP was working on the high profile investigation, Maxwell said they hadn’t taken it public due to the need to keep some things more private.
“There had been a number of doors kicked in, some firearms were stolen, it was a high threat level, but we had a break a few weeks ago.”
With a couple search warrants executed on Thursday, Jan 23, an emergency response team was brought in and on Friday, Jan. 24, nine firearms were recovered.
“Two individuals were charged with 67 counts,” said Maxwell. “It is nice to be able to sit in front of council and be able to brag up the work. There was great teamwork between our detachment, the emergency response team, and the Medicine Hat Police Service.”
Also talking up high-end security systems, Maxwell stated it was due to one of the houses’ alarm system that the break in the case occurred.
“One thing I will say, if you are considering getting a security system, opt for a good system that takes good video and good photo.”
Also during his presentation, council decided they would like the Redcliff RCMP to continue to work toward the continued enforcement of drugs, traffic violations, community projects, and check stops.
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