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Cypress County briefs: Dunmore offsite levy rate passed, greenhouse light standards

Posted on June 28, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

Round two goes to the sisters
Three sisters were given the right to rezone part of their property as Country Residential despite that rezoning being opposed by a local dairy operation in close proximity.
Laureen Coulter, Coralee Kleckner and Brenda Johnson co-inherited the property north of Twn. Road 114 and east of Range Road 64. The current agriculture residence on the sisters’ property predates the development of its neighbouring Hatview Dairy Farm Ltd.
Despite Hatview owner Gerald Weiss showing up at the public hearing last Tuesday to oppose the Country Residential change by his neighbour for its potential to disrupt his agriculture operations down the road, council sided with the sisters and allowed the Country Residential designation to go through.
The Hatview Dairy was built 12 years ago over the objections of the sisters’ relative, who was the previous owner. The final vote was 8-1 in favour.
Dunmore Offsite Levy rate approved
Council had third and final reading on the Dunmore offsite levy rate. The rate will jump from its current $21,000 per hectare to $50,000. The vote was 9-0 in favour of the change.
County to consider new rules for greenhouse lighting
Following a contentious debate on one proposed lit greenhouse at the June 7 Cypress County council meeting, Reeve Darcy Geigle proposed a motion last Tuesday for county staff to more closely examine rules about greenhouse lighting designations. And for staff to come up with some minimum standards for greenhouses who want lighting to mitigate the effects of that lighting on neighbouring properties. The Land Use Bylaw would eventually be amended to reflect these minimum standards.
Geigle’s motion was supported unanimously by council.
Irvine street work delayed another year
Council voted to drop major street work in Irvine from being a priority this year to being a priority next year to allow more time for staff to pursue government grants to help offset the cost of the project. Council moved up work on Elkwater’s streets to finish them off in 2016 instead, and will be considering other places to put the money it has leftover for other projects in its five year Road Work Plan list which could be completed this year.
Land bought for Onefour Fire Hall
Council approved the purchase of 0.501 acres at $500 to build the new Onefour Fire Hall. Cypress County reached a deal with Heydlauff family for the land and has received approval from Government of Alberta to gain access within the Greater Sage Grouse Protection Area to do the work.

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