Current Temperature
By Gordon Reynolds
Bow Island mayor
As another year closes out it is often natural to reflect on the past 12 months and look ahead to the next 12. Much of the conversation for the past year and a half has been around political changes here at home, in Britain and certainly south of the border. Change is often stressful, uncomfortable and worrying at best. Much of our angst is fueled by the constant barrage of negativity in the mainstream, alternative and social media. There is no denying the current provincial economic situation is serious and many families and communities have been hit hard, both by fiscal and natural forces. Let’s look beyond the negative at what this really means for Bow Island’s future. Communities such as ours that are not strongly dependent on oil and gas for employment and commerce are still moving forward. Our agricultural roots and diverse business sector serve to keep us growing and we will weather the storm better than many. We are well positioned to take advantage of opportunities that will come as a result of some of these changes. Increased energy costs resulting from government policies will make local processing of agricultural commodities more cost effective, i.e. ship the finished rather than raw product. Renewable energy projects will add to the tax base in the area, giving a boost to our municipalities. The spin off for new and existing businesses will also strengthen our local economy. All of these will mean new employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled workers.
I know it’s not all rainbows and unicorns and there are people in our community that are struggling due to seasonal unemployment or health issues and so on. Supporting the Joy of Giving and the Food Bank goes a long way to helping these families out, so donations large and small, can boost them and our community as a whole. After all, we are Bow Islanders and we care.
I urge you all to not give in to the negativity. Celebrate and support our community especially as new opportunities arise in the months and years ahead. I am so grateful to live in a safe, progressive and caring community like Bow Island and I hope you are too.
Cindy and I wish you all have a very Merry Christmas and that we all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Mayor Gordon Reynolds
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