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By Jamie Rieger
Briefs from the June 12 Bow Island town council meeting:
Director of emergency management appointment
Bow Island bylaw officer, Jason Schreiber has been named director of emergency management, replacing mayor Gordon Reynolds.
“We are overdue for updates to our emergency management plan and I do not have time,” said Reynolds, who will act as deputy director.
Clint Thacker will step down as deputy director.
Bylaw report
Bow Island bylaw officer, Jason Schreiber presented his report for the period from January to May to town council at their June 12 regular council meeting.
Schreiber reported had two incidents of dog bites, both of which occurred on private property and both were dealt with strict conditions put in place to ensure the canine would be contained within a fenced area.
Schreiber said there were also incidents of dogs at large, which were let loose by individuals opening the gates and releasing them. “This year, it has been unusual because some of these residents I have never had to deal with before,” said Schreiber, adding that the file remains open.
There has also been numerous complaints relating to shipping containers, primarily regarding unapproved placement in residential areas. Schreiber noted that all have since been removed.
Parking against the flow of traffic is an ongoing issue for the bylaw officer.
“We have repeat offenders here and they are not happy about getting repeat tickets,” he said.
Violation tickets have been issued for parking semi trucks in off-route and residential areas.
In May, Schreiber transported a baby owl to the Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale after it had fallen from a tree near town hall. The owl is now in good health and will be released into the wild in August.
Summer meetings
Council voted in favour of not having Committee of Whole meetings for July and August and to only have one council meeting over the summer. The date for that meeting will be August 14.
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