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Commentator/ Courier
First weekly data report posted for 2017/18 influenza season
CALGARY – Alberta Health Services (AHS) today posted the first weekly data update for the 2017/18 influenza season online at
Featuring data categories such as immunizations administered and lab-confirmed influenza cases, as well as hospitalizations and deaths in individuals with lab-confirmed influenza, the weekly update is intended to ensure transparency as the 2017/18 influenza season evolves.
The data set included in each report will be updated weekly each Thursday through March 2018 to provide a snapshot of influenza virus activity as it progresses through Alberta’s communities.
“It’s important to remember the influenza disease data we capture in our weekly updates is considered a mere fraction of the influenza activity that is actually impacting our friends, loved ones and neighbours,” says Dr. Gerry Predy, AHS’ Senior Medical Officer of Health.
“Not all cases of influenza are lab-confirmed and not all cases require hospitalization; however, by consistently sharing the influenza disease information that we do capture, we are still ensuring Albertans understand the stark reality of influenza.
“The message we must all take away is simple: get immunized. This will protect yourself, your family and our communities.”
Influenza immunization is currently available, free of charge, to all Albertans six months of age and older.
For more information about influenza, the ongoing influenza immunization program (including clinic dates, times and locations), and to access the weekly data update, visit
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