Current Temperature
By Justin Seward
BI council meeting Dec. 11
Here were some highlights from the last Bow Island council meeting before the Christmas break.
Alberta Health Services Lease Agreement
Council approved to renew their agreement with Alberta Health Services for a bay to park the ambulance in for another five-year term at $19,200 per year beginning on March 31, 2018.
Pool Rates
The Bow Island Swimming Pool has not seen an increase since 2010 and to keep in line with the surrounding facility rates , rec board members suggested the following increases.
Daily: Children (5& under)- free, Children (6-12) $3.00 (no change), Youth 13-17 from $3.50 to $4, Adult (18+) $4 to $5, Family $12.00 to $15.00, Parent &Tot $4 to $5.
Season : Children 5 and Under-free, children (6-12) $55 to $60, Youth $70 to $80, Adult $80 to $90, Family $185 to $195.
14 day pass: Children free, Children (6-12) $35- no change, Youth $41 to $45 , Adults $47 to $50, Family $80 to $85, Parent and Tot $47 to $50.
Private lessons were the only change in that category going from $25 to $35 for a 30 minute session.
Partnership program
Council moved for the Town of Bow Island to support the County of Forty Mile’s and the Village of Foremost application for funding under the Alberta Partnership Program for a total of $150,000 between the three municipalities.
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