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County of Forty Mile pitches in for Etzikom building demolition

Posted on July 17, 2018 by 40 Mile Commentator
Photo submitted by Richard Harty The one time Etzikom store building is currently being demolished.

Justin Sewad

The County of Forty Mile Council voted in favour of Coun. Gerald Reimer’s motion to contribute $3,350 to tear down Etzikom’s old store building in the centre of the hamlet at its July 11 meeting.
The Etzikom Museum requested $6,700 from the county for the tear down and the museum will make up the other half of the funds.
The museum was gifted the old store building and residence years ago by a resident who was moving out of the hamlet.
Its purpose was for storing items but was deemed “too deteriorated to a point where it’s not safe to go in anymore,” said Richard Harty, director with the museum society.
“At the back side of the old store there used to be a residence there and a bit of a basement underneath that. And, of course, animals have got in there and we’re afraid there could be some of them (younger children) falling into some holes into that basement.”
The museum has replaced the old store with canisters for storing items.
“It seems to be a way all hamlets are going,” said Harty.
“I know there are other residences in Etzikom that probably should be cleaned up too that are getting in dangerous states. They could be dangerous to go into.
“I hate to see any buildings demolished in the hamlet but at the same if they’re just an eye-sore, it’s probably the only alternative.”
With the funds in place, a Bow Island contractor was given the OK to get started last week, but Harty was uncertain on the exact date he was going to start.
Another project that will be ongoing in the next month will be the installation of a new roof on a side the museum that is leaking.

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