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By Justin Seward
The annual Joy of Giving launched on Nov. 1 and are looking for community donations to help brighten some less fortunate families at Christmas time in the Bow Island and the County of Forty Mile area.
“We make sure that the families can get a food hamper and toys for their kids,” said Laurie Haynes, chair for The Joy of Giving.
Haynes said the donations are “pretty good from the community,” from year-to-year.
“It’s sort of how ever the community donates, is how we can make a good Christmas hamper,” she said.
The number of families stays consistent every year and it was in 2017, the hampers supplied 30 families and 52 kids.
Volunteer groups will come in and help pack.
“The GOT (Generations of Tomorrow) and the North Forty Mile 4-H Clubs help us out by sorting everything and box everything,” said Haynes.
“We have a group of people that deliver the names for a hamper.”
New toys, toiletries, scarfs, mittens and not expired non-perishable food items will be accepted at ATB Financial, Servus, Credit Union, Bow Island library, hospital, and Bow Island Apple Drugs. Monetary donations will also be accepted at the hospital.
The deadline submission for names will be Dec. 3 at noon.
Dec.19 with be packing day and Dec. 20 is delivery day.
More information can be obtained by calling Haynes at (403) 545-6296.
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