Current Temperature
By Justin Seward
The Dunmore Equestrian Society’s CFEP (Canadian Facility Enhancement Programs) grant application was accepted by program’s grant committee and now are looking for a letter of support in principle from Cypress County to include in the package.
It was while in the process that the equestrian society relayed support for the project would be $1 million in Federal Pan-Canadian Infrastructure grant funds, $1 million in CFEP grant funds and $2 million in cash and services from Cypress County, only if the feasibility for an indoor arena comes back in council’s favour.
Council approved the motion to provide a letter of support in principle for the equestrian society’s grant application at their Feb. 5 meeting.
Water and sewer
Council passed all three readings of the amended Bylaw 2016/43- Water and Sewer amendments. The proposed amendments will place the responsibility of accounts entirely onto the property owners.
Noticeable changes include:
-Under General Section 2.2, it will now include the county operating a potable water distribution system or sanitary sewer system within county hamlets. Every resident shall connect to the services provided and the water service connection shall be metered.
-Section 2.5 will now say owners or occupants of properties connected to the sanitary sewer collection system can not utilize the system for the disposal of garbage, oil products, toxic or prohibited substances in either solid or liquid form.
– Section 2.6 now reads no person may restrict access to a water valve, curb stop or any appurtenances such as meters, metering, transmitting unit, which are a part of the county’s water system.
-In the Rates and Charges category, a notable change is the water meters shall be read every two months prior to billing. If a meter read cannot be obtained for any reason an estimate can be used until corrective actions can be rendered.
Redcliff Cypress Regional Waste Management Authority
First reading was passed of Bylaw 2019/04. If the final two readings are passed, Cypress County will loaln the Redcliff Cypress Regional Waste Management Authority $1 million to assist with the landfill’s project of the public drop-off areas, operations building and storage dome design.
No solar project
Council defeated (4-5) a motion after receiving a clarification on the cost for the Dunmore solar energy project. Administration brought council a clarification of funding of $730,000 for the project. This would have allowed for the Dunmore complex to be NETZERO. The project would have been eligible for several grants, which would have allowed for the county with zero withdrawal from reserves.
Costs per year would have been $50,000-$60,000 for the Dunmore complex. The county will look into other solar projects in the future.
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