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Redcliff council to discuss Face Covering Bylaw Dec. 14

Posted on December 8, 2020 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Justin Seward


The Town of Redcliff councillors will discuss a Face Covering Bylaw on Dec. 14.
The town’s director of emergency management, Derrin Thibault said the bylaw will be very consistent with what the City of Medicine Hat(city council passed the bylaw on Dec. 2) has passed.
“It will look very similar to that one just because we’re in such close proximity and I had already been in discussions with their director of emergency management, Merrick Brown, to be supportive in that area- that’s what we’ll do,” said Thibault.
Redcliff residents could be following the Face Coverings Bylaw which will include: no person is allowed to enter into or remain within a public place or public vehicle-which means a taxi, transit bus or transportation network automobile- without a face covering on.
The face covering will have to cover mouth, nose and chin of an a person
If a person is 18 years of age and is physically accompanying a child that is between age two and 12, they have to ensure the child does not enter or remain within a public vehicle or place without a face covering on.
It will be the responsibilty of building operators to put signs up at point of entry.
Exemptions could include children age two and under are not required to wear a mask as well as those people who are at public places serving food and beverage and are seated at a table or bar for the purposed of consuming food or drink.
Participants in athletic activity, theatre or dance are exempt and obey the current health orders in place.
“It’s going to look the same as far as exemptions, enforcement and all the different sections (are)going to look very similar,” said Thibualt.
He noted there would be descriptions that are in the city’s bylaw that will not exist in the town’s bylaw and there will be those adjustments made.
Some differences will be in the definition and specified penalty sections under Schedule B.
The public will be welcome to the council chambers for the bylaw at 7 p.m. on Dec. 14.
“There was a lot of public- they were contacting us,” he said.
“It’s difficult for the town to take the lead on some of those things because if Medicine Hat wouldn’t have wanted to follow that lead, I guess we would have stood out a little bit and that’s OK. It just makes it difficult when your borders are so close.”
More information on the bylaw can be found at

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