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By Justin Seward
Sara Weatherhead was named recently the new Rural Community Fund of Forty Mile coordinator, which is under the umbrella of the Community Foundation of South Eastern Alberta.
Weatherhead grew up in Conquerville and knows the region really well and has a passion for giving back to the community by volunteering with various organizations and community development and investment.
Her background is in Social Work.
Her roles include reporting to and working closely with the Community Fund advisory committee and executive director in implementing and evaluating events and activities outlined in the Endowment Fund, with the ultimate goal in mind of building a sustainable local rural fund in the community and surrounding area.
“I just see the real vision and the mission of the Foundation and I feel like I could make a really big impact in our community and for the non-profits and groups,” said Weatherhead.
She wants to continue to communicate about the Rural Fund through education and distributing information of what the Foundation is all about.
“The committee and Michelle (MacLean, previous coordinator) previously have just done amazing and put their heart and soul into it. I just want to continue to provide information for the community on how they can make further impacts now and for years to come,” said Weatherhead.
She feels privileged to be in the position and to be able to provide a “much needed” service to some of the local non-profit groups.
“I think it’s a great additional resource to our community for some of these groups,” she said.
Since the Rural Community Fund of Forty Mile’ inception in 2019, 23 grants have been given out in the amount of $123,911.
“So I think those numbers right there speak on some of these dollars that have been donated back and in projects that are able to make our communities continue to thrive,” said Weatherhead.
“From what I see there (has) been (a) lot of little pockets of areas from Bow Island to Foremost, there’s been dollars given out to Etzikom, there’s been dollars given out in response to COVID-19. So right there just tells me that there is a need for this and is hoping to get more information out there that there are funds available for these groups to apply for and I look forward to working some of these groups in the future.
Weatherhead can be reached at (403) 866-8901 or email for more information.
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