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Prairie Rose getting design funding for Redcliff schools

Posted on March 30, 2023 by Ryan Dahlman

By Samantha Johnson


Prairie Rose Public Schools has received design funding for Redcliff schools, a recent media release by the government of Alberta announced.

Ryan Boser, chief financial officer for PRPS said, “We want to look at our current schools in Redcliff to make impactful changes that are going to improve the education experience for the kids in Redcliff for the long term.”

Currently, students in Redcliff must travel to Medicine Hat to access the CTF shop program. Additionally, the gym in the junior high is undersized. Those are two items PRPS is hoping to address once an architect is hired.

“I think what we want to do is make sure we are engaging with our staff and with the community of Redcliff to determine what is the best plan of action,” explained Boser. “That’s what we are looking forward to doing over the next year as we iron out the design of the project. It’s not about one school per se, it’s looking at what is the best options for the students of Redcliff, and that might include looking at renovating different parts of multiple schools.”

The division is still waiting for the official letter of approval for the design funding but is expecting it soon. Following that there will be a kickoff meeting with government officials where it will be decided if PRPS or the government will manage the project.

“Our hope is the design is finished by this time next year when Budget 2024 is released. Then our hope is we’ll get construction funding as part of that budget and get shovels in the ground,” said Boser.

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