Current Temperature
By Anna Smith
Sept. 11 marked the Redcliff Town Council meeting for the beginning of autumn.
Council received a delegation from the local RCMP detachment in regards to the April 1–June 30 reporting period for the community.
Among the notes were crime statistics for the area, as well as noting their online reporting technology, aiming to reduce the number of calls that the detachment has to field, keeping the lines clearer for urgent or emergent issues.
Another delegation was also received in the form of one Lex Buse in regards to weed and green space management.
Back in July, council moved to authorize Administration to draft a list of projects and bring it to Council for selection of items to be included in a letter to MLA Danielle Smith requesting support for projects.
Out of the identified projects Council put forward that they’re asking for assistance for is work on the accessible playground, path and trail upgrades, help for the arena ice plant, solar panels for various facilities, and rehab for the bulk water station.
There was some discussion as to which items would take priority, before ultimately deciding to list all five projects, noting that the premier did ask what they needed help with, and that this would allow their representative to select what to focus on.
Mayor Kilpatrick endorsed the RCMP Multi-Year financial plan.
It was noted that presently, they were not up to date with reconciliation for lost staff, and that many things have been discussed year over year and have yet to happen, but when they do happen, the Town will receive the appropriate bill.
The Riverview Golf Club Lease Agreement is due for renewal. It was noted that this renewal is overdue, but a motion was passed to extend the agreement, with an amendment in regards to indemnity from the town.
Council received correspondence from the Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society, inviting them to their annual AGM. This was received for information.
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