Current Temperature
By Anna Smith
The Foremost Theatrical Society may have cracked the formula for a perfect evening, and ticket sales are finally underway.
With the show taking place on November 23rd, 24th, and 25th, the rise of the curtain is fast approaching, and despite some nerves, the cast and crew are ready for anything, and excited to show what they’ve been working on.
“We’re in the very thick of our practices here. They’re on stage trying to make sure our blocking is working and along with the lines, and we still have some costumes still to find. Just a few of all those last minute details to say we’re coming up close on,” said Heather Walsh, producer with the Foremost Theatrical Society.
Despite perennial worries about being ready on time, they always are, said Walsh, and this year’s selection will be no exception.
The play in question, Knucklebones by Douglas Anderson, follows a professor who sees humour as an intricate puzzle, to be reduced to brilliant, but dry, mathematical equations. He is working on a probability textbook and has invited the departmental secretary to his kitchen to help prepare the manuscript.
Neither, of course, have ever been on a date. The play itself is comedic, though Walsh notes that some of the humour shows it’s age, and as such may warrant a few eye rolls.
“It is set in the 50’s. So the comedy is maybe a little different than what we find funny nowadays,” said Walsh.
“Consider it a mature content warning, just so people know, and remember that the jokes were written for a different era. And we’re playing it to that era, not as of today.”
Every year, the society reads countless plays to find the perfect one; with their small cast, their selection is pared down, but that doesn’t mean there still aren’t a great deal of scripts to potentially work with.
Tickets are on sale at the Agro Plus office until the 17th, or by calling 403-867-2436. Tickets include a meal of salad, roast beef, potatoes, hot vegetables, as well as dessert for a full dinner theatre experience.
“We’re grateful for the support from the community we’ve had in the past. And we look forward to another fun evening out. It’s nice to have an evening out when you don’t have to travel,” said Walsh.
She adds that there’s still work to be done on the crew, as well as advertising and production, and that anyone looking to pitch in is more than welcome.
The play is being held at the Foremost Community Hall, with doors open at 5:30 p.m. each performance evening for cocktails, followed by dinner at 6:30 and the show at 8 p.m.
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