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By Heather Cameron
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The following are select briefs from the Bow Island-Burdett Chamber of Commerce Meeting that took place on June 5, 2024.
Treasurer Report Highlights (debating on removing)
During the Treasurer Report, the financial information up to May 23, 2024, was conveyed by the Chamber of Commerce’s Treasurer, Amanda Driscoll. Within that financial information was a report that the chequing account is at $13, 417.12 and the savings account is at $3,177.89 as of that date. A motion to approve the financial information was made and carried.
Committee Reports/Round Table Discussion – Taste of Bow Island
Theresa Hardiker of the Chamber stated that she spoke with Christina at the Chamber that the fall festival is going to be the long weekend in September, and in order for us to be able to make best use of the decorations, Haridker also stated that she planned the Taste of Bow Island for Friday, September 13, 2024 and additionally contacted Blues at the Bow and they are see if they are wishing to be involved with the event. In addition to that, Hardiker stated, she already secured four sponsorships and is also going out and currently looking for more sponsorships right now with the hope of securing more.
Tickets, Hardiker stated, will go on sale at the beginning of August and the hope is that the event can involve having the food served family style. In a couple of weeks, Hardiker stated, the Chamber will be coming out and going to the different restaurants and the different suppliers and trying to make some connections with that.
Hardiker also stated she has a sponsorship package that she will be emailing out to all the Chamber businesses and has also hired a graphic designer that will do up the marketing and menu cards and the posters and the online and the sponsorship signs. On top of that, Hardiker stated that there was previous concern about having to have fencing for the liquor, but the fencing isn’t necessary because liquor isn’t being sold; it’s being given away in smaller versions.
Hardiker emphasized that she wants that and the rest of the plans she has in mind to be very professional and that she is very excited for the event, giving great kudos to Jay Sanderson for the great wealth of knowledge he provided. Sanderson and his team, Hardiker said, will help with and support the planning of the Taste of Bow Island so it will be successful.
Committee Reports/Round Table Discussion – September Newsletter
The Chamber also discussed the September Newsletter, emphasizing that the newsletter will provide information for what the Chamber is organizing as well as bring attention to a business within the community. It was established that the newsletter will be printed and available throughout town and will hopefully serve as a way for the Chamber to connect with people that don’t get the Chamber of Commerce’s emails.
Committee Reports/Round Table Discussion – Market in the Park
The Chamber discussed how they had been meeting monthly to discuss Market in the Park and now, nearly all the food spots have been filled. Planned events for the Market in the Park that the Chamber discussed include a include a car show with E-Free Church providing children’s activities. The Chamber determined that any fundraiser funds will go toward Bow Island Minor Sports, with HALO, the fire department, and others planned on attending the fundraiser night on August 14, the Chamber determined.
Committee Reports/Round Table Discussion – Canada Summer Jobs
The Chamber discussed how they got three positions with Canada Summer jobs funded this year, and while the position that we have funded is also a July-August position, they hired a young man named Elijah to hired as the coordinator for Bow Island, with a young lady named Jessica starting soon in Foremost, and Keenynn Mitchell will join Elijah in Bow Island while the last position for Foremost is still to be hired. The students, the Chamber said, will organize movie nights Market in the Park and other family friendly events, and the Tourist booth position being hired will allow it to be open 7 days a week.
Correspondence – Housing Innovation Alliance
The Chamber discussed how a meeting is scheduled for August 15, 2024 at 1:30pm at the Bow Island Legion and one speaker is coming from Lloydminster to talk about their business that takes recycled plastic and builds housing with it, but Theresa Hardiker is also trying to get one of the modular builders from Bow Island to present, and she has reached out to recycled cement company from Taber as well.
Correspondence- Welcoming and Inclusive Meeting
The Chamber discussed how, back in May, they held a meeting in Bow Island to find ways to be innovative in ways of welcoming new members to our community, and ultimately decided that a Welcome Wagon is being planned to return to provide information for newcomers.
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