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By Heather Cameron
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The following are select briefs from the Bow Island-Burdett Chamber of Commerce meeting that took place on September 4.
Treasurer’s Report Highlights
Chamber of Commerce Treasurer, Amanda Driscoll, reported the financials up until August 31, stating that the Chamber’s bank account is at $23,264.21, but approximately $12,000 is going to be used to pay the summer student wages and the savings account is at $3,199. Driscoll also reported that the Chamber did, however, recently receive $1,500 from Capital Power for some sound equipment for Market in the Park. In terms of GIC’s, Driscoll stated, a $4,000 one and a $3,708.11 one are due on September 26, 2024. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report and the motion was carried.
Canada Summer Jobs/Summer Student
Corinna Roth-Beacome, a member of the Bow Island-Burdett Chamber of Commerce, reported that the Chamber had three students working under the Chamber of Commerce throughout the summer through the Canada Summer Jobs program and they all worked very well at their jobs. The Chamber discussed applying to acquire students through the program again for next year and a motion was made that the Chamber apply for the Canada Summer Job funding for three students when the application process opens, and the motion was carried.
Market in the Park
Kathy Nixdorf, organizer for Market in the Park, spoke about how the season was one of the most successful summers since the market was started. The town, Nixdorf stated, was wonderful in all that they did to assist with the Market’s success. Overall, Nixdorf stated, the Market had an average of 22 vendors per week with the highest number of vendors being 28. Nixdorf stated that one of the biggest successes that the Market experienced was that it had different groups including Trinity Parks, St. Michael’s, and the Evangelical Mennonite Church, taking on food vendor responsibilities and having them run as fundraisers for local charities. The markets, Nixdorf stated, also included a garage sale night, a car show, and a movie night. Capital Power, Nixdorf, explained, also reached out to the Chamber because they wanted to show some local support, and they ultimately donated a grant of $1,500 to the Chamber so the Chamber could purchase some sound equipment for the Market in the Park, so that enabled the Chamber to buy some good equipment. Now, Nixdorf explained, planning will soon begin for the Christmas market.
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