Current Temperature
By Nerissa McNaughton
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Cypress County continues to grow, with local governance facilitating and supporting the development.
During the last council meeting in October, it was noted that Global Raymac Surveys had spearheaded an application on behalf of Helmut Doehring to transform a 13.62 acre parcel from an Agricultural District 2 to a County Residential District 2.
The property in question is situated at the northeast corner of NE 24-12-7-W4 and Plan 9810719, Block 1 Lot 1. If the land use amendment is approved, plans are to apply to the Municipal Planning Commission for subdivision approval to create two distinct country residential parcels. The remaining land, which includes an irrigation pivot, spans 142.83 acres.
The strategic location of these proposed parcels with direct access from existing roads ensures minimal disruption and maximum convenience. Importantly, there are no oil or gas wells within 100 meters of the site, safeguarding the environmental integrity of the area. Should the council pass the first reading, a public hearing is tentatively scheduled for November 19th, 2024.
A Municipal Planning Committee meeting took place on November 12, with several important points brought forward including but not limited to:
• DP 23/122(rev): This proposal involves the operation of a Class I gravel pit. Initially approved, the operation includes aggregate extraction and stockpiling. A separate permit for rock crushing was initially required, but administration now suggests this is unnecessary for normal operations. The applicant seeks to begin crushing from March 15 to October 31, 2025, due to previous delays. The gravel pit will support local development projects, including a wind project. The pit requires compliance with environmental regulations and a registration application to Alberta Environment has been submitted. This proposal was conditionally approved.
• DP 23/181: This proposal involves the placement of an 8’ x 40’ storage container and two existing containers in Ward 6. Initially, the permit included conditions due to the absence of a principal building on the property, requiring a development agreement. With the recent addition of a 12’ x 24’ cabin for residential use, these containers can now be considered permanent accessory structures, eliminating the need for the initial conditions. The storage containers, part of a long-term plan to construct a shelter for equipment storage, are classified as a Class II Discretionary use, requiring approval from the Municipal Planning Commission. The applicant brought and showed photos to strengthen their request. This proposal was approved subject to conditions and there is a three-week appeal period for the public.
• SUB 24CY11: This proposal involves subdividing a 4.24-hectare (10.48-acre) parcel from an unsubdivided quarter section in Ward 8, owned by Harold Fieldberg, to create a separate title for a family member. The property has direct access from Range Road 71, with an additional access point for the remaining agricultural land. The site features a natural drainage area and a dam with a pond, which the applicant plans to maintain. Photos were provided to support the proposal and Mr. Fieldberg also provided comment on how nice it would be to provide a space for his family member. “Now is the time to set that up,” he noted, speaking to the convenience and beauty of the location, neither of which would be compromised by future development. Lively discussion followed and ultimately, the proposal was conditionally approved. The applicant has one year from the approval date to meet the conditions.
The next Municipal Planning Committee meeting is December 10 and will be live streamed. Remember to tune in if you would like to hear about the projects proposed in your neighbourhood, and when the appeal windows open.
The Agriculture Service Board met on November 13, and Lisa Sulz, Cypress County Agricultural Supervisor, shares some details about an exciting upcoming event.
“An Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) workshop will be held at the Cypress County office in Dunmore on December 11, 2024. It is free to attend, and participants are required to bring a laptop or tablet. This workshop is in conjunction with the County of Forty Mile. We ask for people to register by emailing”
She adds, “As part of the workshop, Giselle Ulrich, Grant Program Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation will give a virtual presentation on the Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP) and the On-Farm Efficiency Program (OFEP). These programs are part of the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership (SCAP) and are available to producers to apply for funding under; and usually require an Environmental Farm Plan to qualify for application. (Producers who want the funding must complete an EFP).”
More information about these programs is available at
In other news, residents of Desert Blume may experience lower water pressure this month due to two main factors. First, annual sewer line flushing and maintenance are taking place, which temporarily reduces pressure when the flushing truck is filled. Second, repairs are needed on some pipes in the Blume area, and a smaller bypass line is in use until the repairs are completed, affecting pressure. These repairs are expected to last most of November.
And finally, it’s time, once again, to recognize the incredible farm families that make our county thrive! Do you know a family that stands out in their dedication and contribution to agriculture? Nominate them for the prestigious 2025 BMO Farm Family of the Year award! The deadline is December 6. Winners are recognized by both Cypress County and the Calgary Stampede. Last year’s winners were the Pahl family. Head to the Cypress County website today (under “local notices” to download the nomination form for further details and where to submit the nomination.
Cypress County remains committed to helping the community thrive while providing ample opportunity to have your voice heard. Visit the website today to learn when meetings are held, view the live streams, and be sure to get those BMO Farm Family nominations in by December 6.
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