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By Nerissa McNaughton
Southern Alberta Newspapers
On December 18 at 7 p.m. the doors open to the highly anticipated Christmas Concert at St. Michael’s School.
Instructor Monique Pollock, BMus, is thrilled at how it is all coming together.
“It is the telling of the Nativity story through song and dramatic reading of Bible passages, and it will incorporate all ages from play school to junior high – even grade nine students are involved,” Pollock says. “Everything is student led. The student band will be playing, and readings are going to be done by the junior high class. The staging, lights – it’s all student led.”
The production helps inform the students’ curriculum, presenting them with an opportunity to learn a variety of roles – front of stage and back – in the performing arts. As such, the annual Christmas program at St. Michael’s is very popular with pre-COVID crowds over 200, and post-covid attendance still rapidly filling up the seats.
“All of this night is about storytelling through different media, through drama and music and pictures,” Pollock adds of the free-to-attend event. “The art classes are going to be providing some artwork for the night and creating an ambiance for the audience. It’s a real experience, not just reading, not just songs. It is a very immersive, creative, moving experience for the audience to share with us. We want to tell the story in such a way that it has impact and relevance to today’s audiences.”
Meanwhile, another annual event has wrapped up at the school and it was a huge success. The 2024 Scholastic Bookfair topped sales over $3,400 plus additional “Scholastic Dollars” to purchase more books for the library. Thanks go out to Mrs. Kielstra for bringing the fair to the school, and to all the volunteers.
Be sure to mark the date for the Christmas concert, and enjoy the telling of the classic Nativity story.
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