Current Temperature
By Craig Funston
I have been “enjoying” a DVD mini-series on the American Civil War. Even though it was just a documentary—you know, talking heads, still shots, dull music, and old news—I found it fascinating. It filled in some gaps in my American history, especially the Civil War era, 1861-1865.
God bless America, but like 91.5% of Canadians, I really need to bone up on my own Canadian history.
Apart from the entertainment, historical, and academic value of watching the who, what, when, and why of that not-so civil war, I have found an uncanny parallel to what is happening today, 150 years later. In case you’re not there, it’s the election of one Donald Trump that has brought this on.
In addition to that, there are a whole lot of lines being drawn in the States as I write. (Maurice, some are more “lyings” than lines.) Only a naive bimbo would think that Trump’s election was the reason for the unsettledness. Not quite: I think there’s a deeper reason.
The first Civil War was essentially about slavery, you know, white people owning and demeaning black people, a very evil practice. Between you and me, considering the possible coming clash, I think there was a lot more at stake, but that was certainly one of the root causes.
Roughly 150 years later, I sense trouble brewing south of the 49th—again, it’s not very civil either. This time, though, I suggest that it will be over a different form of slavery: It will be over the vices that people (black and white) are enslaved to, be it worldview or lifestyle,
I cannot fathom the blatant opposition that the left has towards Donald Trump, along with its calculated disgust, public vitriol and venom, and uncontrolled hissy fits. This is coming from the academics, celebrities (more than entertainers, too), and youth.
You know, these are the same clowns that live in ivory towers of inexperience, entitlement, and selfies. My reaction to their outbursts lies somewhere between irritation and fear, if I took their threats seriously.
Believe it or not, I am not even a huge fan of Trump, for a host of reasons. A lot of his principles are suspect, no doubt. As stated here in an earlier column, I was a big supporter of Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee. But Donald Trump is definitely (and infinitely) better choice than Hillary Clinton.
The left with all their gross inconsistencies and failures are acting like a horde of pouting teenagers. There are threats of disrupting the inauguration, of protesting for 100 days after Trump’s election (thanks, Michael Moore). We have retailers banning Trump voters, university profs denouncing Trump-supporting students, and the left mugging “Trumpites” for the same reason.
We even have Hollywood bellowing whenever and wherever they are within yelling distance of a mike. They are a brave bunch, aren’t they, mouthing off to their own people?
All I know is Trump is surrounding himself in office the same way he surrounded himself in business—with competent, conservative men and women who will get the job done. That surely doesn’t sound like a dictator to me.
I have lost count of the thousands of jobs that are now in the works because Trump will be in office shortly. He is not creating these jobs; he is simply creating the atmosphere for big corporations to create jobs. That speaks volumes for the need to have a free market government in power.
The left speaks of their outrage over his bigotry, fascism, and obnoxiousness, with his lack of diversity and tolerance—all the while being bigoted, fascistic, and obnoxious, disallowing diversity and tolerance themselves. Go figure.
I cannot fathom how simplistic, stupid, and shallow they can be.
I hate to see a re-enactment of another Civil War. You would think America would have learned what true freedom is. After all, anything is freer than the bondage of the past eight years.
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