Current Temperature
CFB Suffield is a part of the Canadian Armed Forces’ declared Operation Laser that is enforced on all the bases across Canada in a pandemic situation.
Operation Laser is where CAF will implement measures to mitigate the potential impacts of COVID-19 on Department of National Defence and CAF personnel.
A Contingency Plan (CONPLAN) Laser is laid out in response to a pandemic-influenza disease and in four phases:
Phase 1- Pandemic Preparedness: Mitigation planning and normal monitoring of pandemic threat worldwide. Usually this phase is permanently activated unless there is a higher phase already active.
Phase 2- The pandemic alert phase where active monitoring of pandemic threats occurs, with some protective measures adopted and activated by the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS).
Phase 3 (Current phase activated)- Pandemic response and his activated on order of the CDS and is characterized by widespread and sustained transmission of the virus, in the general population and imminent risks or existence of significant absentee rate.
Phase 4- the post-pandemic phase where all resumption and re-establishment of all DND and CAF services are back to normal levels .
The directions given to all bases on March 13 was the activation of a Business Continuity Plan where CAF personnel will work from home and maintaining the core military functions and only essential core activities will be ongoing during the pandemic.
International travel will not be permitted during this period for business personal reasons.
An exception might be granted for critical activities and for compassionate reasons.
CAF members are temporarily prohibited from hosting or attending mass gatherings.
More informationon changes can be found at
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