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Down Memory Lane: 1957 news

Posted on February 10, 2015 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Fred Mellen

Down Memory Lane #192
These items were gleaned from the June 6, 1957 issues of the Bow Island Graphic Newspaper.
Winnifred News – by Bertha Annon
– Voting was brisk Saturday afternoon in the school trustee election. Results from the Winnifred Poll showed 26 votes for Foster Gow and 19 for Geo. Verhaest.
– Mrs. Dora Heningsgard was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Les Rapson, Thursday.
– Mrs. Popel and Cecil returned home from Calgary on Sunday where they had been visiting for the past two weeks. While in Calgary, Cecil won an electric range at Bingo.
– Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bennett of Medicine Hat visited with Mr. and Mrs. Annon Sunday evening.
Conquerville News – by Louise Wutzke
– Mr. and Mrs. L. Simon are the proud parents of a son, 9 lbs, born May 22.
– Tullio Corraini and Ernest Wutzke enjoyed fishing at Lake Newell Friday and Saturday.
– Mrs. A. Onody and Gladys Moger left Friday to attend the W.I. Convention in Edmonton.
Whitla News – by Yvonne Ovard
– Mr. Westergreen and boys, Mrs. G. Verhaest, Mrs. Lizzie Anton and Dennis Koy (should be Koi) were among those fishing at Rattlesnake Dam on Monday evening.
– Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard of Calgary are visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Blanchard and Mrs. Phil Rapson.
Etzikom News – by Grace Stromsmoe
– Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodin and family were weekend visitors to the Elkwater Park.
– Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brower took their son Roy to Medicine Hat for a medical checkup.
– Mr. and Mrs. Waldo McFall were Medicine Hat visitors on Saturday.
Faith News – by Thekla Ehnes
– Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee are the proud parents of a 7 pound baby girl.
– Mr. George Fauth is in the process of building a new house.
– Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hearn and family motored to Lethbridge on Monday to receive medical attention.
Bow Island – Though there were many from Bow Island at the Giant Bingo in Medicine Hat Saturday evening, only Tom Ell had a Bingo and he received one of the consolations.
– Frank Adams has returned home after a prolonged term of hospitalization in Calgary.
– Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McCallum and baby were visitors here recently with Mr. McCallum’s uncle Fred DePew.
– Mr. Fred Mellen Sr. was rushed to Medicine Hat in a very serious condition on Sunday; we all wish Fred a speedy recovery.
– Mr. and Mrs. A. Gyorfi Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. S. Onody of Lethbridge left Tuesday for a short holiday through parts of the U.S.A.
– Two weddings were featured on the front page: Joan Heidinger to Ronald Pruden and my sister-in-law Joanne Annon to Rolland Perry Havens.
Foremost – A new Texaco Service Station is being built opposite the school. It will be operated by Mr. Henry Huisman.
– Henry Williams is erecting a new house on Skiff Street, north of the Elks Park.
– Mrs. Nicols has a new pet! She is the proud possessor of a wild kitten with two white stripes down its back. She plans on having it de-skunked and raising it.
That’s all I have room for this week. More to come. This has been another Stroll Down Memory Lane with Old Fred Mellen

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