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1957: Residents attend hospital info meeting

Posted on January 5, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

Down Memory Lane #231
By Fred Mellen
These items were taken from the October 10, 1957 issue of the Bow Island Graphic Newspaper
Bow Island
– At the regular Sunday morning services at the United Church a very warm and special welcome was extended to new members of the congregation, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robertson, Mrs. Daryl Knibbs, Mrs. Edward Francis, Mr. and Mrs. David Van Damme.
– Tommy Millar received several bad lacerations to his face, head and hands requiring several stitches, when he was thrown clear of a truck he was driving as it went into the ditch and struck a rock. The accident took place just west of town on Highway 3 and the truck belonging to Paul Nelson was almost a complete loss.
Winnifred News by Mrs. Bertha Annon
– Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard will soon move to Medicine Hat where he is employed with the T.V.
– Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Christopherson have moved back to Bow Island after spending the summer on the farm.
– Mrs. Gordon Evans, Mrs. R. Nicholas and Roberta attended the shower for Miss Helen Shatz in Bow Island on Wednesday evening.
– Mr. and Mrs. A. Roeder drove to Creston to get a load of poles this week.
Bow Island
– A Bingo sponsored by the Rev. Fr. Keily, was held in the Community Hall recently with Vern Zacher calling the numbers. The ‘big prize’, a lovely 9 x 12 rug was won by Phil Dutrisac. Other prizes were won by John Roth, Man’s Gold Wrist Watch; Mrs. E. Brosz, Mrs. A. Shatz and Mrs. J. Lyczewski, Jewelry sets; Bob Miller, Burdett, Cutlery Set; Mrs. G. Evans, Men’s Jewelry Set; Peggy Ley, Men’s shirt; Dennis Roth and Mrs. R. Taylor, Tapestry Rugs.
October 17
– The wedding of Joyce Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haskill Jenkins to LAC Clifford Joseph Savoie of St. George, New Brunswick was featured in this paper.
Bow Island
– Mrs. Ralph Schlachter was hostess Wednesday evening to a group of ladies for a Stanley party. Games of Bingo were enjoyed and following the demonstration a lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. G. Evans and Mrs. J. Schlachter.
– About thirty people were present at a meeting sponsored by the Town in the Community Hall on Wednesday evening. The group was given information on the Hospital Vote in a question and answer period. Mayor Bonette and Doug Flamme were on hand to answer questions.
– Miss Cecilia Jooreas was guest of honor at a miscellaneous Bridal Shower Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Doug Harrington. An evening of contests and games was enjoyed, and the bride elect opened her many lovely gifts. Twelve ladies were present. Assisting hostesses were: Mrs. G. Ridgedale, Loretta Starner, Gisella Corraini. Miss Jooreas will be married November 2 and will reside in Medicine Hat.
That’s all for this week. This has been another Stroll Down Memory Lane with Old Fred Mellen.

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