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Should local politics be a mixed bag of party representation?

Posted on September 13, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

Sure, there s still a tad bit of time prior to the next municipal election but why not start discussing possible ways to bring election reform to the local level?
Federally, the majority political party is sort of in charge. Next, is the minority, which makes up the opposition and then other political parties are represented to make up the federal government we all know and love.
Locally, shouldn t municipal governments also be elected by the parties council members play lip service to? When a council gets elected, their political likes and dislikes come through in everything they do, so why not vote for a local politician s political stance because, in the end, the political party’s ideals are what said politician will be practising in theory.
Here s a little hypothetical situation to ponder.
A local municipal government is formed. All or most councillors including council’s head honcho are conservative. Is it fair to have all council members as conservative party members (replace with any of the political parties). No, it is not. Government, locally, provincially and nationally, should be fair and balanced representation. But, sadly it is not. Even though locally it doesn’t seem to matter of a councillor s political stance on the provincial and national level;  it should, don’t you think?
If a municipality only has councillors with one political stance, is that a fair way to run a municipality? Shouldn’t municipal politics be the same as provincial and national politics? Provincial and national politicians are elected, mostly in part, due to their political views and ideals. Not because of their track record or experience or inexperience. It s time for some good old fashioned election reform, at a local level and perhaps prior to the next election. Let’s get  ‘er done southern Albertans.
It s really not fair if only one political party s stance is represented in municipal politics.
There should be a chance for voters to vote for a municipal politician s political party choice too. That way, a council can hopefully be made up of a Green Party, NDP, Wildrose, Conservative, Liberal or whatever other political party person.
That way, at least in theory, municipal politics can truly represent its constituents. Proportional representation starts at home at a local level.
For far too long rural and urban municipal politics sometimes seem like an old boys  club. Sure, many more women are being elected into municipal politics but many times councils still think old school.
There are some municipal politicians, both men and women, who think outside the box and evolve but many times archaic traditional views or beliefs trample on what is right and what should be done.
Old ways of thinking by municipal politicians isn’t the way to move forward in 2016 and beyond. Many times, it’s what got a municipality where it is in the first place and sometimes that isn’t very good.
Sure, many municipalities have done well for the most part and have moved forward but old ways still linger and cause turbulence.
During the next municipal election, perhaps voters can do a little recon and research in regards to their potential local leaders of tomorrow.
Check out what their political party stance is and make sure they click with how you feel about the local issues.
If your candidate choice is a staunch conservative in his/her political views or beliefs and you, as a voter, are liberal in your political views and beliefs that can lead to turmoil down the road.
Be proactive and think a bit about local election reform, as well as at a provincial and federal level.


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