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After the recent terrorist attacks in London, it has to make one wonder if this world is getting a bigger dose of fear injected into it because it seems every time we turn around there seems to be tragedies occurring. Europe seems to be taking the brunt of terrorism with the France and Belgium attacks coming to recent memory prior to the one in England, which is killing innocent people that don’t deserve this treatment from cowardly acts.
For many, uncertainty is a reality because these terrorist attacks happen unexpectedly, leaving everyone at unease. Citizens that have to live through this nightmare by stepping out their front door to fend off fear is a horrible feeling because they’ll never know if they’re stepping into a war-zone. Does anyone need that, I don’t think so but attackers don’t care. It’s a shame that these terrorist agendas are over these so called “beliefs” and it seems to be spreading daily in parts of the world and there is no answer in sight.
There can only be hope and there’s a slim chance of that right now that there is any security whatsoever. It’s hard to hear of these realities happening overseas and as Canadians we should feel fortunate to live where we do but on the same token what can we do to help take a stand on these senseless attacks and make the world a better place because as it currently stands we’re all feeling the effects globally of these disasters.
Hopefully Canada can continue to stand strong in this unbalanced world and keep being a safe place to be compared to those targeted places. This isn’t going away anytime soon and hope there are answers in the future but it will be unclear for awhile.
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