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After USA President Donald Trump’s recent remarks on what he thinks of players kneeling during the national anthem and how they should be fired, is another way of putting politics where they do not belong.
Yes players should have a better time and place to express their national anthem views because those should not interfere with the work place which in this case is the playing field.
Was it necessary for Trump to come out and say take these SOBs should be fired and taken off the field? He’s the president after all but really uncalled for because players are humans too and are allowed to express their rights.
It may be overblown to some but a lot of the players have probably experienced “unfair” circumstances personally and for teammates to turn to one another is the greatest support that one can give one another.
It is powerful to see players lock arms or kneel during the national anthem because there is that turmoil and tension felt south of the border in society and is being felt on the field.
But for Trump, who has not really been in the media for sporting related issues, really opened up a can of worms that should have remained unopened because this is a serious issue in society that maybe the government should really focus on elsewhere and not firing back at the players.
You need not chew out America’s game because of a group effort to find equality.
This has to make one wonder if this protest will have a trickle down effect with other professional leagues seeing these national anthem protests. Time will tell.
Maybe it is more of an awareness tactic across the sports world because it would not be the same seeing a hockey player sitting on the bench during the anthems. There is more respect then that amongst players or what if more baseball players kneel at home plate? Sports is political in so many ways but when someone has to stir the pot in the wrong ways, it’s never good for anyone. There is nothing violent about it. This will be a very interesting debate as seasons go on.
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