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October 25, 2024 October 25, 2024

PRSD wraps up another successful year of the equine program with annual showcase

By Justin Seward


Storms were hampering the southeastern Alberta region on Friday.
Luckily the wetness did not put a damper on the second annual Prairie Rose Equestrian Club’s Equestrian Showcase as the event finished just before the rain fall commenced on June 14 at the Irvine Rodeo Grounds.
“Yeah we were a little worried about the weather,” said Linda Kraft, director for the equestrian club.
“We need the rain, but at the same time it was that it was able to hold off for couple of hours (that) we were able to have our showcase.”
The showcase saw Prairie Rose School Division (PRSD) riders demonstrating their horsemanship skills through an obstacle course whether that was rounding barrels, pole bending and galloping their horses over the wooden bridge.
“I thought it went awesome and we had a lot of new students who had never been in a situation where they rode horses in front of loud music and people ,” said Kraft.
“I was very proud of all of them.”
Last year the program was only opened to Irvine School students, now this year the equine club program was open to all PRSD students.
“It’s important that it’s a district-wide event,” said Kraft.
“Just because I’m at Irvine School, it makes it a little easier in that sense with location. (It’s) just getting the kids involved and giving an opprotuntiy for all kids in Grades’ 3-9 in the district to be able to participate in this type of program was important for me to do this year versus last year.”
Students from all over PRSD participated in the younger group for eight sessions starting at the beginning of May and going right up until the showcase.
New this year was addition of equine program for junior high school students as an option class which went on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Forsythe Ranch.
“We had 30 participants in the equine program participating,” she said.
“There was definitely big steps, measures and confidence they gained through having the weekly (class) as well.”

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