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In a recent issue of the Commentator, in section entitled “Down Memory Lane”, author Fred Mellen mentioned that the newspapers from which he obtains his historical news tidbits are limited, and that he plans to cease authoring further articles when there are no more old newspapers available. Mr Mellen asks, “do I hear a big yahooooo?”
We have been receiving the Commentator for slightly over two years, and without a doubt, Mr Mellen’s section is the most enjoyable part of the newspaper. I tear through the pages of each edition which arrives in the mail to read first the “Down Memory Lane” section, often while sipping coffee at the end of a Sunday breakfast. With the kids (10 and 12 years old) still present at the table, I delight in passing along to them the news — a new birth, an unfortunate accident, the outcome of a trial (the ones concerning liquor are the funniest) — as if they were current events. For new births, I say to kids, if this baby grew up and was still alive today, he/she would be x years old. Not sure whether they are as thrilled about hearing the (old) news as am I, but I pass it along to them nonetheless to instil in them an appreciation for the past. I particularly enjoy and appreciate when Mr Mellen is able to recall and relay present-day facts concerning an event that happened, or a person mentioned, long ago. It shall be a sad day, indeed, when Mr Mellen’s section is published for the last time, and I can assure you that no “yahooooo” will be uttered by me.
Best regards,
Troy Danyk
Lethbridge, Alberta
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