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Dear Editor,
In two recent letters to the Editor of the Medicine Hat News, statements I made in the Legislature regarding lease lands were grossly misrepresented. One was purportedly written by a Board Member of the PC Cypress-Medicine Hat Constituency Association and the other supposedly authored by a staff member of a previous PC representative for the Cypress-Medicine Hat Constituency.
The letters to the editor say that I spoke out in favour of bringing the Saskatchewan policy on surface rights payments to Alberta. That is not accurate. I have never said that. The writers of the letters know that I have never said that and are instead creating mischief by alleging to me opinions that I do not hold. They further complicate the issue by implying that my Bill 204 which was about Freedom of Information requests has something to do with surface rights.
For the record I have never introduced a Bill on grazing leases, or surface rights, and I have NOT called for Alberta to adopt Saskatchewan’s policy on surface rights payments for leased land.
Politics appears to never have an off season, even during the summer! My political opponents should know that I will never object to you challenging me or praising me on things I have said. Making up stuff about me, on the other hand, is not how politics should be done.
I do invite all constituents of Cypress-Medicine Hat to call or visit me anytime to seek clarification or present ideas. I can be reached at, or by phone at my constituency office, (403) 528-2191.
Drew Barnes, MLA
Cypress-Medicine Hat
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