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On Saturday while out on my scooter running errands I encountered several youngsters in front of the firehall brandishing a sign announcing a “Youth Centre” garage sale, car wash and BBQ. I thought, why not, and received the most pleasant surprise.
This sale was very professionally conducted and the selection of articles on offer was very good. However the best part was cheerfull helpful young people. They were genuinely having fun, therefore, so did everyone attending.They were very friendly and so were all of the adults. The burgers were tasty and well done.
Having spent a little bit of time there I am convinced that this is a very well run organization and a definite asset to our community. Instead of the bad rap that a lot of youth get, these kids deserve compliments. They are truely a wonderful group of kids. We can be proud of them.
Next time the Redcliff Youth Centre hosts a car wash,garage sale and BBQ I would certainly encourage everyone to attend, donate,etc., in order to help these young people raise money for their various projects.
Keep up the good work, guys and girls!
Vi Rieger
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