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Whether or not he agrees with the content, reader enjoys the Commentator/Courier

Posted on November 24, 2015 by 40 Mile Commentator

Ms Rieger:
I do upon occasion write letters to the editor to share my own profound opinion … smaller papers don’t have the space/luxury of a Letters to the Editor column, but I have been known to write in response to something that has appeared, often something that has impressed me and I though worthy of recognition. I/we receive the C-C weekly and while I would make no claim to read it cover to cover or even to get my nose into it every week, I do get into it more or less regularly. This is my first letter, and for your sake perhaps should be my last, but I wanted to comment of your efforts in general and the November 17 edition in particular. I do think the C-C does a credible job … don’t always agree but it would be a duller and perhaps a sadder world world if we all marched to the same drummer.
I generally like the Opinion page although some opinions I could do without. The ‘Starbucks’ item was timely and food for thought for those who actually think and function above the level of their baser, primal instincts although I can see you getting challenged by some for it. ‘Sports Shorts’ was a clever take on the tragedy in conjunction with the world of sports. Your personal column rather reflects my take on the social media … I’m not sure the good outweighs the negative and the bad … bullying and suicide are negative elements provided a boost by social media, not that they don’t exist without it but they certainly flourish with it and that media is slow to make any real attempt to help deal with it.
I’m not sure of Craig Funston … some of his material is interesting and entertaining but I have some question about his open/broad mindedness … he does tread some narrow pathways. The piece on ‘Preserving SE Alberta’s military history’ was interesting and timely but the author either didn’t proof read or is lackadaisical or just lacks knowledge about his dates. I have written columns and edited various newsletters and cannot claim to have never erred with my content.  That being said, the article referred to the “… collection of medals and photos from local soldiers who served in the early part of the 20th century” and then spent considerable time with examples from the Riel Rebellion and the Boer War which were in the 19th century … doesn’t negate or downplay the story but a soon as errors appear one has to wonder if there are others in the article.
My prime purpose was not to complain but to offer my appreciation for your efforts with C-C in general as well as a lot of your specific personal contribution as well … I wish you the best … keep it up.

For now,
Jerry Smith

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