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S/Sgt. clarifies county mountie performance

Posted on April 19, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

Re: County divided over County Mountie position

With regards to the story published this week regarding the Cypress County Enhanced Policing Position, as the Detachment Commander of Redcliff Detachment, I feel it is important to clarify some comments in the story, most notably, how the position is currently being handled.
Cst. Barrette reports to Cypress County Council on a quarterly basis and has been doing so for nearly two years.  In that time, he has never been questioned in terms of the performance of his duties.  In fact, although enforcement is only a part of his duties, his work in that regard is substantial(a high level of enforcement was achieved over the past year to improve traffic safety within Cypress County).  The position itself however, is unique as Cypress County has a vested interest in what duties are performed, and wishes to see the “County Mountie” as visible within and around Cypress County.  In common terms, it is community policing.  The “County Mountie” knows the area and the people within it and can not only solve issues that come up, but can proactively deal with situations before they become problems.  The majority of the discussions at this meeting centered on this sort of work, and Cypress County Council was asking serious questions not just about the current state, but where it can lead, and finally, whether or not they will continue to fund the position and explore alternatives to service delivery to the residents of Cypress County.
Redcliff Detachment functions as a team, and the Cypress County Enhanced Position is a part of this team.  By working closely with Cypress County, as is being done, the delivery of policing services throughout Cypress County is only improved.  At times, discussions occur which require debate, clarification and above all, two-way communication.  I believe this is being achieved, and Cst. Barrette, as the RCMP member who is occupying this position, delivers on this to Cypress County.  He has worked in the area for over a decade, knows the roads and people well, and is able to communicate with the citizens of Cypress County in positive, meaningful and consistent ways.
I would appreciate some consideration in ensuring this knowledge is passed onto the Cypress Courier’s readership.

Yours Truly,
(Sean Maxwell), S/Sgt.
Detachment Commander
Redcliff Detachment

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