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Re: MLA Drew Barnes floor crossing and 2017 report
Sept. 17, 2017
To the editor:
Darlene A. Dunlop suggests that Drew Barnes is guilty of floor crossing. Mr. Barnes did not join the government in power nor did he change any of his policies. He consulted with his constituents to form a new party. He still sits in the same position in opposition only under a new party name with 95% approval. This was not a sneaky action. Ms. Dunlop must have missed the meeting. Mr. Barnes still represents me along with the others who voted for him.
Eric Musekamp says that Bill 6 was under discussion for a decade, but since it is a policy of the NDP government I hardly think that statement can be correct. The nearly endless consultations he refers to also are incorrect. Consultation should include an exchange of views, something that did not occur. The government proceeded to bring in Bill 6 on January 1 with the idea of making the rules later. This government is NOT picking up where the previous government left off. Perhaps Mr. Musekamp should ascertain the facts before he brings any more misinformation to the public.
Ella Nelson
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Mr. Barnes is part of a party that has allowed back into the official a party that was thoroughly defeated in the 2015 election.
For an actual history of issues relating to Bill 6, refer to the book Mr. Musekamp and Ms. Dunlop were published in, “Farm Workers in Western Canada.”