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To the Editor:
The years 2015 to 2019, when Rachel Notley and the NDP were in power, were a disaster for Alberta. She has a terrible record despite being in power for such a short time. How can we forget?
Rachel Notley quadrupled Alberta’s debt due to her horrific out-of-control spending, sending Alberta’s economy into a tailspin when Canada was doing quite well. Tens of thousands of good paying private sector jobs were lost, however, while the NDP were in power, she hired thousands of civil servants. She raised taxes, reduced the personal income tax exemption, and lost billions of dollars of investment in Alberta. She borrowed so much money that three billion dollars are needed each year just to service the debt.
Notley did not mention the carbon tax in her election platform, but implemented it after she was elected. She is certainly anti-energy. She was unable (or more likely unwilling) to make headway on pipelines being built to access our energy to markets. She coined the term “Just Transition” to get pipelines approved by the federal government, but was unable to make it happen. Trudeau and Singh want to phase out Alberta’s oil and gas industries. Oil and gas are 70 per cent of Alberta’s economy. When oil prospers, everyone prospers. Yet Notley and the NDP want to end new oil exploration and phase out existing production.
Together with her carbon tax, these policies have helped throw gas on the inflationary fire that has been completely exacerbated by the policies of the Trudeau Liberals, with whom her party aligns.
She closed power plants that were, or were in the process of becoming, some of the cleanest coal-fired plants in the world. These coal-fired plants are needed for Alberta and their cleaner technology is needed for export to the rest of the developing world.
Rachel Notley has signed onto the World Economic Forum and World Health Organizations’ agenda of restructuring health care and financial systems.
She brought forward Bill 6 which specifically took severe regulatory aim at the many family farms of which Alberta boasts and even offered very questionable suggestions to family farm owners as how to compensate family members who work on the farm.
She brought us Supervised Injection Sites that have resulted in neighbourhoods riddled with used needles, increased crime, and increased drug use. While mainstream narratives are trying to declare positive outcomes of these facilities, cities across North America that have them are providing skewed and conflicting results at best.
Rachel Notley wants to have all students enrolled in PUBLIC SCHOOLS, (defunding Catholic and private schools, and home-education), where they will “focus on climate change, gender equality, poverty reduction, anti-racism, and history of residential schools”. Indoctrination, in other words.
The NDP have come out in favour of de-funding the police.
Space fails to talk of her failings in healthcare, provincial-federal relations and more.
Finally, Rachel Notley and the Alberta NDP membership are automatically members of the Federal NDP (Jagmeet Singh is Rachel Notley’s boss); they must follow federal NDP policies and are effectively propping up the Trudeau Liberals/NDP coalition.
Ruth Dyck, Bow Island
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