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By Cassie Weiss
Strategic planning is a part of any organization, be it a small public library board, or a large municipality. All aspects of the community, be it large or small, must come together as one puzzle, and though pieces may be taken away or added, there must always be a specific frame.
Cypress County council is currently in the process of building that frame.
Recently elected in October 2013, the five new councilors and the four remaining have a bit of work to do in order to achieve a unanimous future for the area.
Discussed at the Jan. 21 council meeting, it was suggested that the councilors get together to hold a strategic planning process.
With all in agreement that a plan was needed, it came down to an issue of how long it would take to discuss and where the discussion should be.
“Where do you see the County in 10 years,” said Kevin Miner, Cypress County Municipal Manager. “Do you see 8,000 people with another 400 acreages, another Desert Blume; you have to envision these sorts of things.”
Noting that day-to-day activity was something to avoid, everything came down to looking forward, not even toward the next year, but in the long term.
“It is pretty important to know what the other councilors think needs to be accomplished,” said Richard Oster, councilor. “A two-day session is too much, but I think we should definitely look at a one day [planning session].”
With the verdict of a one-day planning session mostly agreed on, it then came down to the venue.
“We have lots of community halls [in Cypress County],” said Garry Lentz, councilor. “Why don’t we spend a day at them?”
Although the idea of using the community halls was a good one, eventually it came down to holding the planning session in the council chambers, in Dunmore.
The planning session will take place on March 24.
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